I rarely weigh in on discussions like this simply because people are going to believe whatever they are going to believe. Some are going to lean toward a LITERAL biblical interpretation, and others are going to consider supply & demand. (There's a demand/need for laborers, especially male laborers, to go out to the field, but the supply of laborers, especially male ones, is few).
However, when I read threads on women pastors, I noticed that the discussion is usually limited to
1.) what Paul said
2.) Western culture. I'm not here to try to change anyone's mind on this debate. I would simply like to add some other considerations to the discussion that so often get left out.
In the population of China, males outnumber females considerably mainly because of China's one child policy. However, in the Chinese church, there are more female believers than male believers. There are also more female students than male students in the seminaries, more female preachers than male preachers, and even more female senior pastors than male senior pastors.
When we inquire into the possible reasons for this imbalance, several factors come to mind:
Through the China Inland Mission, and then with other mission agencies, WOMEN played a major role in the spread of the Gospel in China in the 19th and 20th centuries. To begin with, they were sent to minister to women, who could not be reached by men because of social customs.
Later, however, many foreign women missionaries also ministered to mixed groups, though they still usually worked mostly among women.
Their example paved the way for the prominent role of Chinese women as evangelists and Bible teachers. Another consequence of their activity was the rapid spread of the Gospel among Chinese women.
The activity of Chinese female evangelists. Not only before 1949, but especially afterwards, Chinese WOMEN have played a major role in the growth of the church. When pastors, elders, evangelists, and deacons were put into prison or even killed under the rule of the Communists, WOMEN stepped into positions of leadership.
Some women held meetings in their homes. Others were sent out by house to do itinerant evangelism. Usually going two-by-two, they took the Gospel to countless towns and villages across the nation. Their fearless and passionate preaching led to the conversions of millions of people, most of whom were women. Female pastors and evangelists have built a church composed largely of women.
Global China Center | Analysis
"Female pastors and evangelists have built a church composed largely of women." That's not a surprise because studies show that Christian women worldwide are the most religious and the most persecuted.
Christian Women Worldwide Are The Most Religious … and the Most Persecuted | Gleanings | ChristianityToday.com
Fact: God is using female pastors in China to build his church and fulfill the Great Commission. The proof is in the pudding. Chinese women are doing the work that men are either unwilling or unable to do.