All human beings are created by God.. All human beings are therefore sons of God in a symbolic way.. Therefore the door is open to ALL mankind and we are ALL able to be sons of God. Who so ever comes to God and believes Him shall be saved..
That is universalism at its finest.
I chose to use Gods word. John 1: 12. children of God are given that right BECAUSE they have faiht in God (believe in his name)
This is sloppy language, which could be taken as provocative.
It is a tactic, chosen by some when a discussion has got to a point where it cannot
go any further to enrage someone.
The reason I chose today the parable of the prodigal son, is because I knew it was
a sore point for some. This did not make sense to me, but now we know.
It teaches something they cannot refute.
I think this is always in our spiritual walks a profound realisation, when God says to
us, "I mean something else."
I embrace Gods free grace in the cross, but also my debt to Him for the forgiveness
of my sins, for which I am a living sacrifice in time and effort for the Kingdom.
But for some this is like a red rag to a bull, and nothing will stop their charge as
demonstrated here. But they will not change, because they have closed all the
doors and hatches and wish to catch anyone unwary of their schemes.