I have no doubt you were born again but the point is did you actually receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit which is a necessary part of Walking In Christ?
It wasn't just Democrats that threatened to move to Canada if Donald Trump got elected, it was a lot of Republicans as well and just like my daughter-in-law has, people who get here want to stay here. Our government isn't full of TV stars and soap opera dramas.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit, as I think you mean it, is a FIGMENT of the CHARISMATIC MINDSET.
Born again, involves mourning over ones sinfulness, complete surrender and submission to Jesus Christ as LORD (meaning MASTER) purely out of
LOVE FOR HIM, which comes from the HOLY SPIRIT pouring GOD's LOVE directly into our hearts (Rom. 5:5); and our WALK OF OBEDIENCE spawns DIRECTLY out of GOD'S LOVE that is in our heart. ONLY in your mind does any of the that come from your counterfeit Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
BY the Holy Spirit,
as the Scripture actually calls it, happens the very moment we first GENUINELY Believe, submitting to the LORDship of Jesus Christ. In that same moment the Holy Spirit
IMMERSES (baptizes) us into the Spiritual Body of JESUS CHRIST.
That is the TRUE Baptism by the Holy Spirit, and the Charismatic Experience has NOTHING to do with it.
1 Corinthians 12:13 (NKJV)
13 [/SUP]
For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body--whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free--and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.
1 Corinthians 12:27 (ESV)
27 [/SUP] Now
you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.
Most likely the following is the Experience you refer to.
HERE is a video by a Pentecostal "Tongues Speaking" Believer, that is exposing the Counterfiet Experience that has crept into The Charismatic and Pentecostal Churches, and is probably what you are erroneously calling the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. This counterfeit infiltration of the Charismatic Churches started spreading like wild fire in Toronto; without hardly anyone in the Charismatic and Pentecostal Churches raising a single red flag, because they assumed it was of the Holy Spirit. In reality, it is a HINDU Experience, called the Kundalini Awakening.
PLEASE WATCH ALL OF THIS 27.5 minute video:
When I followed the leading of the Holy Spirit,
WALKING IN CHRIST, I was lead by the Holy Spirit to move from Nebraska to California, and I knew not why. I ended up moving to a town on the West Coast, to build a Prison Ministry, where the END OF THE LINE in the California Department of Corrections, new supermax Prison, called Pelican Bay State Prison, was being built. I KNEW NOTHING ABOUT STARTING A PRISON MINISTRY, BUT
I KNEW AND TRUSTED THAT MY LORD KNEW ALL ABOUT IT. About three years into that Ministry, I was asked to take over the Pulpit Ministry in one of the Chapels, and again, I knew nothing about Teach Sermons, but again
I TOTALLY TRUSTED that my LORD knew everything there was to know about Teaching Sermons. So I stepped out in FAITH, and taught subjectively. I gathered verses on a subject each week, using almost exclusively JUST THE VERSES as my Sermon NOTES; and
Be FILLED with the Holy Spirit each and every time that I stepped up to a pulpit, and I LET HIM TEACH THROUGH ME. I did that for YEARS, and never once wrote out a sermon in advance. The TEACHING just flowed, and every sermon lasted 45 min. to 1 hour long.
Here is an example of my Sermon Notes: