No, My wife, (whom I was married to for 36 years before she passed away), spoke in
charismatic tongues for years, before I met her and while doing her own serious Bible Study on the subject shortly after we were married, she discovered it was all a counterfeit. I was seeking to speak in tongues at that time and wanted to prove her wrong, so I began a serious Bible Study on the subject. Two weeks into that study, I came to the biblical conclusion, that she was right, it really was all a pure counterfeit. SO I did 5.5 more months of INTENSE study on that one subject, and found WAY MORE evidence for a Non-Charismatic point of view than I ever did for a Charismatic Point of view. After all the books, sermon tapes, and personal interviews were done, I sat down and wrote a Summary of want I had learned throughout that intense study, and by the time I re-typed it to save as a Word Doc for my Computer, it turned out to be a 12 page, #10 Times New Roman font, Summary. Believe me, I could have written an an extensive 300 page book on the subject, but the Holy Spirit in me told me, after page 12, that if they will not hear the truth in those 12 pages, adding 288 more pages would be equally ignored. Even my Pastor as well as several others, agreed it was one of the best explanations of
The Gift of Tongues - A non-charismatic understanding that they had ever read.
Believe in whatever experience you want, but we will continue to believe what the Word of God actually says, and what the Holy Spirit has led us to understand.