why would I want to way back from the finished work of Christ on the cross?
Sirk - Do you know what it means to be civil, or actually not behave like a stroppy
child caught miss-behaving?
You paint me a particular was which does not fit either my personality or my writing or
even my theology. So if you characterise me totally wrong and then suggest I have a
strong emotional reaction against an idea which I do not, it suggests you have failed
at a basic level to get anything right.
It makes you look ignorant and stupid. Now I would not want you to fall so easily into
such a position as you appear to have a sincere heart, though jaded, attacking me is
not going to help you, rather it will probably depress you further.
I am interested in righteousness, because our society relies on integrity and a lot of
societies fall into poverty and civil war because they do not have any integrity,
Somalia and Nigeria are two examples that come to mind.
And God cares deeply about integrity, honest measures, murder, sexual abuse.
But when Gods people treat life and death issues like confette I have hurt to the core.
We are the light of the world, a city built on a hill, the salt of the earth.
Without this nothing works, the lights go out, people starve, a country that functions
falls into a bombed out crater like Syria.
But you talk of these things so lightly. So why should I regard you better than any
rebellious sinner who needs restraining before they damage the people they love and
strangers? You appear to only have their wisdom, doubting things that you should
believe in.