The Grace of God has nothing to do with rewards and wrath, all of that is under the Law of God, and are concerns of the flesh, not the spirit. What can you possibly do for God that will earn his appreciation? You must be pretty awesome?
If you wish to follow the Law, you should really go for it, and I mean REALLY go for it.
You will eventually realize (hopefully) that you cannot please God enough, and that you will always be cursed because you will continually fall short of His glory.
He will always be displeased and disgusted with you, you will mostly fail and then you can come back to Grace and live under the mercy of God, who HAS given us everything we need for life and godliness.
And then you will truly live under the New Covenant of God, as a new creation. Truly thankful for what He accomplished for us.
God is concerned with the condition of your heart, not your flesh, (rewards, curses etc etc)