I would like to ask. Who has to assume where I am coming from or what I am saying? And I will add, DC,Sirk,EG, Grace777,mailmandan,billyg,FreeNchrist,sully,utah,Max,Penn Ed and forgive me if I overlooked anyone on the Grace side.
Nobody has to "assume" where we are coming from and what we are saying. It's all been laid out. People aren't "assuming" what we are saying they are REJECTING what we are saying.
Unfortunately this is not true equally across the board.
People keep on saying, we are not saying this, we are saying that.
You are saying this and not saying that.
Rather than engaging in ideas, some will resort to long quotes from scripture which rely
on a certain interpretation. What people do not see is both interpretations exist together.
1. Put on the righteousness of Christ.
a. It means we have the imputed righteousness of Christ covering our sinful lives.
b. We are washed clean by Christ, and through His power and love at work in us walk righteously.
Now this causes lots of confusion, because both groups say it is obvious to see who is right.
Now with observational bias the only way you can is read all verses both ways.
And from my perspective imputed righteousness undermines real righteousness, because it accepts
there is no resolution in the believe abiding in the vine, walking in the Spirit to be righteous, which
is our inheritence.
Listen to Paul in Colossians
"Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation"
Col 1:21-22
Once - in the past you were enemies of God because of your evil behavior.
Now you are holy, free from accusation because you walk righteously.
Now because Paul did not write, because you walk righteously, you could read it
you still sin, but God sees you as holy and righteous because he only sees Christs
righteousness or it is through the cross we are cleansed so we can walk righteously.
Now for me the argument becomes more important on the point of belief.
If you do not believe Christ can overcome in your life, then you will give up and not
desire and struggle for the hope he planted in you, but just resign it to the future and
some spiritual revelation that will take place. Now I know this unfortunately is not Gods
way because of words like "purify yourself" "struggle" "fight" "persever" "be holy"
"be pure" "desire righteousness"
If God is in you your desire will be to throw off evil and worldly desires, and burn in the light
to His glory, because that is our calling. We are overcomers and victors not defeatists
"The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life, but will acknowledge that name before my Father and his angels."
Rev 3:5