The thing is, most people tend to go by what God says is okay to eat, INCLUDING meat. I don't eat red meat, I don't eat pork. But I do eat chicken, tuna fish and turkey. You're always saying, eat nuts and seeds and fruit. Well, aren't coffee beans and cocoa beans considered nuts or seeds?

And why would God give them to us if they're harmful to our bodies? You can't honestly expect people to just give up something they love eating or drinking, just like that. Everyone's interpretation of the bible is different, not everyone is going to agree that stuff like coffee and chocolate is bad for you. Dark chocolate is actually GOOD for you, it's full of bioflavonoids and anti-oxidants..
I do not
expect people to give up or do anything. I can tell by your comments though blue your probably in a state of denial. This is a strong emotional factor in why people have a hard time transitioning into healthy and beneficial habits.
Your whole post is just a denial of the power of God and living in and with the spirit. All your doing is convincing yourself why people, or you, can not do things. Frankly, it is a losing attitude.
Whoever has this same outlook is severely limiting the power of Him in you.
Most people that lead or have radically changed their lives have the opposite paradigm of what you expressed in your post. I will pray for you.
Also, to be very transparent, many of you here remind me of the very same exact attitude of the pharisees. You want the status quo to remain exactly as it s because you have a vested interest in it, i.e., you want to remain stuck in your comfy mediocre and unhealthy lifestyle habits. So when anyone comes along and tells you God has a better way, just like the pharisees, you take umbrage. I am just the messenger.
Let me ask you bunch of cynical unbelievers this: have you prayed about this? I have asked you this before blue, yet you and not also one of you here who has ridiculed me has replied to me. Big surprise ! Have you actually tried doing, even for just a month, what I have put forth here regarding diet? Are you all that undisciplined or dull of spirit? Can any of you find fault in this diet? Does it have side effects you are concerned with? Yet you readily take prescription meds that have horrendous side effects. You eat and drink stimulating things almost every day. But I come along and tell you that according to the bible there is a better way, and you do not even know the scriptures well to even interpret this relatively simple correctly.
You say there is nothing wrong with chocolate. Moire and I see I gave you to much credit; your near clueless about what foods do and diet. your understanding is just a little bit better then the average person. You use the same tired ragged worn argument that "oh, this food has so and so in it that is good for you". Do you not read any of my posts on this subject. Do you not even look a inch below the surface of what you want to see and believe, because of your pleasure principals?
I keep saying it, I will say it again, because obviously some of you need to hear things multiple times for it to sink in, if it ever does: If a food has more chemicals it in that are bad then good (simple addition and subtraction rules here) then it is
net minus food. I will say it again. It is then a net minus food. Chocolate and coffee are some of those foods. Very simple - that means it does more harm then good. Got it? Wine is also a net minus food.
But some of you are so anesthetized by the garbage you have been eating all your lives that your body awareness is dull, in fact just about non existent. Your bodies are so overwhelmed by the insults you heap upon it day after day that you would not even be senstive to eat if you ate the seeds from 10 apples. Your saying, what does that mean? Eat the seeds from 10 apples...look it up.
Just about any of you on the SAD that is in the late 30's or older are living a half life in regard to your vital life force. You have depleted your enzyme levels and other critical levels of metabolic so much that your in zombie land with what your body whould be able to do and what it actually can do. What should at the age of 45, 50, 55 and older be among some of the best years of your life is instead the time when many of you begin taking biologically incompatible prescribed drugs for many, actually most, ailments that could be done away by simply altering your lifestyles. Thanks to the type of foods you eat, the hours you eat them, and the way you eat them. Your chewing your way to disease. Yet you persist without a though when the answer is in the very word you cherish but do not apply.
Then to ease your conscience you tell me I am not a doctor and I focus on the flesh. Two inane arguments. i am sometimes incredulous concerning the painlessness of some thoughts expressed here.
First, you should be glad I am not a doctor, for if I was, I would not have the training and open mind to do this. Doctors are taught about 30 hours of nutrition in college. That means for the whole time they are there. Also the focus in those courses is value of foods. They do not afford the bio chemical aspect of food, which is the true key to all this.
I have also said this before, but of course that has been glossed over.
Second, I do not focus on the flesh. In fact I have denied the flash maybe more then any of you. Maybe more then all of you put together. The person who said that, if you have the courage and character to even respond to me in an adult manner:
Have many times have you fasted? How many days or months?
I can tell you I have fasted frequently and for very long durations. And on just water. Or sometimes on just fresh basic vegetable juices. In fact I am amazed how little Christians consider and apply fasting in their lives, for health and spiritual reasons.