You're welcome.. Yes, I do.

I give thanks to God for all my trials. It sounds strange to give thanks for cancer, or sciatica,or even getting raped, but I've given God the glory for all those events. A few years ago, just before I joined here, I had the worst bout of depression EVER. I literally could envision myself hanging from a rafter on my back porch. That's how low I had sunk in my depression. I knew I needed GOD to help me out of that pit, but I also knew that I needed to be proactive and help myself as well. SO, I went online and searched for Christian chat sites. I joined this one because it was the only one that I could preview, before deciding to join.

I also made a faith book, which I will link here. Basically, it's a bunch of bible verse pics, inspirational sayings, etc. Anything that makes me smile, laugh, or just be thankful. When I feel like crying from the pain and frustration, I laugh instead. Funny cat videos are good for that.

My favorite scriptures, are John 3:16, Psalm 23 and Luke 1:37.
God is always with us, Dai. ALWAYS. Even if we feel He has left us.. I have selfishly and sarcasticly doubted Him many times, but He never once left me.

Nor will He ever leave you. Without God, I wouldn't have been able to get through having cancer, or having depression and suicidal thoughts. I wouldn't have gotten through being tied up, gagged and raped. And without Him, I DEFINITELY could not have gotten through having sciatica. That is an agony beyond comprehension. His strength gives me the ability to do what I need to do, even on my worst painful days.
I know you think we're just repeating ourselves. But we are just trying to show you, that you're not the only one here with problems and illness. Those people I mentioned in a previous post, would LOVE to hear from you, and I guarantee they will sincerely appreciate your support right now.

Here is the link to my faithbook.
Now that's a thought out pointful and potentially helpful answer. Thanks. P.S. do you do any often in particular, other than just read the Bible, to get through the crud?