Biblical ignorance, poor teaching, lack of community in a real life church or small group, and let's face it, various types of mental illness can account for a lot of this unbiblical nonsense.
There is such a wrong emphasis on feelings and experience in the modern church. And if a church doesn't make you "feel" God, then it is somehow a dead church! As if preaching the Word of God could ever be dead!!
Certainly, there is room for experience. The Bible is clear we receive joy, peace love and the other fruits of the Spirit as we walk with God. But those "feelings" have to be experienced within a framework of truth, which is the Bible.
Further, there is a woeful level of education these days. Both here, and in political forums I am in on FB (For Canada, not the US!) it appalls me the complete lack of education people have! I'm not just talking typos and grammar, but a complete inability to express themselves. On FB, that comes in the form of degradation and swearing. I have had to leave many groups over that! In CC, it comes in the form of people coming up with nonsense like visions from their cat, or just plain visions that conflict with the Bible
We have an elderly friend, who is from Jamaica and was sick growing up, and was unable to go to school. He is a wonderful kind and and caring man. But he gets sucked into cults so easily, because he is unable to think critically about anything a charismatic leader says. He was brainwashed by the Oneness movement and it tars all his theology into nothing more than nonsense. He had all these visions he wrote down on how to interpret the Bible. The entire Bible! I went through (before Seminary) and pointed out the theological mistakes he made, and showed him what the bible said. This was not hard, as some things were so grandiose and so far beyond the pale, a child could have done it.
So, he became a teacher, and had large groups of people coming to his home, to follow his books, which he said were interpreting the bible, when in fact, they were just a total fabrication! Sigh!
Nothing surprises me about the internet. And I am not a believer at all in end times escapist fantasies like the Rapture. Yet, when I look at the ignorance which has resulted in outright apostasy, I sincerely wonder! I also wonder how it must grieve the heart of God to see the name of Jesus being shamed and lied about and dragged by any vision or dream or ill wind of change that people can imagine! The sky is the limit, when it comes to claims about God. Unverified claims, I am talking about!