I'm unedumicated. Does this make me any less a child of God? Does it make someone a lesser person in your eyes? I have to correct my wife quite a bit about making claims of someone is uneducated because they don't have as much college as her. Some people just don't have the education but it doesn't mean they don't have anything to offer on social media.
Where did I say anywhere, or in this thread, that being uneducated makes you less a child of God or a lesser person? I have never said that!
I was speaking as an educator, of the type of deficit education people are getting today, and that includes college. It does not include people who educate themselves. There are some very smart people who have overcome a poor or non-existent formal education, and are able to dialogue intelligently. And more important, discern what is true, and what is false!
My comment, was that, without an understanding of things like critical thinking, logic, to say nothing of scientific methodology, people are so liable to fall into error. Without good reading comprehension skills, it is so easy to misinterpret what people say. Without an understanding of how you verify the truth of miracles, you are easy pray to any weird claim! And that includes everything from herbal cures to your cat prophesing things from the mouth of God. Balsam aside, God has not used animals as his favourite vessel to exhort, teach or correct theology, or to aid in sanctification. That is the fact.
When I see people in this thread say stupid things like "Well, the cat could have talked!" And then based it on Balaam's donkey, I have to comment that that is just such poor hermeneutics and application it is absurd. In fact, that is exactly what this thread is talking about.
Without a decent education (I'm not talking how many years you sat in school/college) you are vulnerable to every weirdo (and cat, apparently!) who makes a false claim that God spoke to them, especially when those things directly contradict Scripture. In fact, naivety is a serious issue. People are brainwashed to believe that if someone says "God said it!" Then they are obligated to believe it as truth! And this comes directly out of a lack of true education. It makes you a victim and prey to any new doctrine or practice that comes out! It is sad, because these people are trusting, but there are things you can trust (example the Bible) and things you cannot trust (example- people in the chat rooms saying utter and absolute garbage! Not that everything in the chat rooms are false, but there are reasons I choose not to go there!)
And I was clear, that a lot of what I was talking about was on social media that was not CC. I have seen streams of swearing that go on forever about Justin Trudeau. I hate the guy! He is a fake, a Muslim and he is ruining our country economically right now. But, swearing accomplishes nothing. There are so many things people can intelligently say to show their disgust for our lousy prime minister, and many now agree. But, what does swearing, serious insults and ranting add to that knowledge? In effect, they are truly not contributing in any way to the discussion concerning how to get rid of Trudeau, and replaces him with someone who will stop the evil Trudeau is doing.
People need to be discerning. That is Biblical. Perhaps I needed to use the term "being wise" instead of being educated. I was thinking of education in terms of becoming wise, but it is true that wisdom is not always learned in a classroom, although it helps!
"33 Wisdom reposes in the heart of the discerning
and even among fools she lets herself be known." Prov. 14:33