I went from the Baptist to the Charismatics because I though the Baptist were draging their feet and not getting with the program. I enjoyed the worship service in the Charismatic church I joined and I liked the people, however I soon found some disturbing things. They often preached how they believed the entire bible, however in practice I found that they had no problem ignoring places in the bible that did not agree with what they wanted to think and do. Also, there was this attitude that God was doing great things in their midst, when it was just not happening, all kinds of stories always of miracles that were never confirmed. Maybe a person who likes to hear stories and just believe would be happy there, I am the kind of person who checks things out to the tiny details, because I really want to know the truth. I found most of what was happening to be fake, and pretense. I left that very Pentecostal church to a tiny little church where the Pastor did believe in the gifts of the Spirit, however the service was more like the Baptist. I found that God REALLY did things there for people and no one was pretending.
You blanket indict a huge group of believers over your limited exposure to one church.
It really sounds fake. You can not be that disconnected,as if your limited encounter has any bearing on the world wide scope of millions of members of the body of Christ.