The problem with Islam is mainly the label.
Socially it takes over everything by calling everything islamic.
To then speak negatively about this is anti-islamic and therefore blasphemy and
punishable by death. If you give into this mindset it is an embrace of death.
So the most dedicated muslims turn out to be psychopathic murderers.
And do disagree with them is to put your own head on the chopping block.
You can see it in the press here. Make a joke about Islam, you risk your life.
What? How can something like an opinion become a life problem.
So wear the veil, and then be called out as being muslim is hatred of Islam therefore
blasphemy etc.
This is the danger of this way of thinking. It embeds itself into every aspect of peoples
lives, even though it is irrelevant, once they stir up things, it all kicks in, and so ISIS appears,
or some other group, who hail they are restoring the true reign of God.
This ability to go from the mundane to justifiable murder is dangerous, because it means out
of a large population any psychopathic nutcase feels empowered, and if they do murder someone,
no problems, get off free of charge. So it is this behaviour and link that needs to be exposed
and challenged, how it is meaningless and socially destructive, and brings ruin to any group who
adopts it.
If you read the Koran and the Haddith, it is this call to arms, on any provocation, makes the faith
run with blood. And the victors enslave the conquered, no second thoughts.
I heard Erdwan starting to use language of superiority saying people cannot question him.
Just wait until he declares himself the next caliph. The whole mindset is this way, because obedience
without conscience or love is their ethic. It does not matter whether it is true or not, because in their
mind the Koran defines truth. If you ever read the Koran, 30% of it is gibberish, which could mean
almost anything. This is why it is hard to engage them in meaningful dialogue, because it is just
allegiance and opposition to anyone who questions the revelation.