Hello Mrskate80 -
Do these things sound familiar?...."If only he would do such and such, I would love him dearly!", Or, "He just needs to do this or that and it will work out!" Or, "He talks about his issues, but he never thinks of mine!" "I am not perfect, but he is etc etc." Or, "I am just saying these things to help him; to help us ultimately!" Or, "Well I'm right and he is wrong, just ask my friends!" It get's to be a mess sometimes huh? And yes, him not being a Christian doesn't help, but the question God would ask, "Who do YOU say that I am? Not your husband."
One thing I love about God's grace is how fresh it is. We don't have to subsist on yesterday's leftovers, adding a little more of this or that, hoping it will be enough for what we face today. We don't have to beg, borrow, or steal someone else's grace because ours is depleted from the day before. As each day unfolds, we have a fresh supply of grace.
God knows what you will encounter today since he has already been here. He is the God of all time. He is never caught off guard by your trials; he's always at his post, ever ready. So you can get up, wipe the sleep from your eyes, and know with certainty that you will have enough grace for whatever he places before you.
Note: I did not say you will have enough grace for tomorrow. There's a big difference. Many times you may worry about things in the future and wonder why you don't have the resources to deal with them. The Cliff Note answer is that if it's not in your present, it's not on God's list for you today.
If you want to be a responsible Christian, it means that you need to respond to what God wants you to do, limiting yourself to only what he puts before you. God knows how much grace to dispense to you, just as he supplied the Israelites with the right amount of manna. If they tried stockpiling it, it was ruined.
There are many things I could suggest specifically here but remember to rest in the Lord and love and respect him and stay out of the right and wrong game. Satan wants you to claim your right to yourself in all of this, but God can't fight your fights for you unless you give up your right to yourself and let Him have the reigns. Love and honor him more than yourself, this is the answer to your needs not just his.For God will ask of him to do the same, in time.....Trust that! Pray for that! Ask, and seek and knock for that! Let God fight to save your relationship.This is not the time to draw a line in the sand, it is time to love unconditionally! To surrender it all to God!