Where is the hate and fear mongering? In practically every post by a certain group in this thread. They have even formed their own little "attack" clique, with Blue saying how happy she was that Magenta sent her the link to this thread, so she could come and set people straight! (My words not hers!) (Post 486!)
When you present facts about Islam, quote the Qur'an, that is not hate mongering. That is just facts, and I am in agreement with doing that! When you rant and rave about how "they" are going to kill us all, take over our countries, destroy our way of life, with some questionable internet statistics, with no credible sources, dupe the naive, with what can only be described as bullying tactics (flooding the thread with fear creating memes, videos by other fear mongerers!) then when confronted, the people go beserk, won't answer your clearly articulated questions, such as "in what way did I lie about you?" And no answer is forthcoming, I do have to think that people are off the wall about this issue. They are afraid, and their goal is to make others afraid. And it seems to be a rather mass delusion. Although if I am wrong, I will be willing to admit I am.
Someone even claimed Muslims are so evil, they would pretend to be Christians, as part of their campaign of terrorism. Where on earth did that come from? Show me one fact from independent or Muslim sources that say that! As for being too evil, God saved me, so I know he can save anyone from any wickedness or pagan religion!
I was going over in my mind, in Acts, when various people preached, how they broached it. How did they bring people ot Christ? Well, first, the Holy Spirit was in charge. Anyone saying they Holy Spirit cannot bring Muslims to Christ is committing heresy. That is the essence of fear mongering! But I will discuss that in another post. They also used the tools at hand. They showed Jesus in the OT to the Jews. To pagans, they preached Jesus crucified, and went where God sent them, including to their home because God showed them (talking Peter, here in Acts 10) how eating with a pagan is no longer unclean.
Suffice it to say, what is the difference between Islam and a Muslim person?
Islam - a violent, warmongering religion, with a prophet of questionable character and ethics being the highest authority, and many disturbing things that happen in the name of Islam.
Muslim - a person, usually from birth, but sometimes converted, who is lost without Jesus. A person Jesus died for, that is going to hell, because instead of people strategizing about ways to win these people, these lost people to Christ, they are focusing on the religion instead of the person. So many of these people have never heard the gospel, and certainly do not know that Jesus died on the cross for their sins, and rose from the dead! And that he is coming soon!
So, do we create panic and fear by posting all the evil things Islam has done, or do we share ways to witness, and videos and testimonies of people who have been saved out of Islam, and support each other for being bold witnesses to these people that Jesus died for?
The choice is yours!