Ravi explains why you have to be careful talking to Muslims, "because they are determined to dig their heels in, and will find a way to escape out of everything that you try to say to them." Please note that the quotation marks mean that those are Ravi's words and not mine. I feel I have to put this disclaimer in for all the haters. Ravi has been a Christian apologist for over forty five years.
Ravi Zacharias Explains Why the Quran is not God's Word
He explains how they are forced to belief on pain of death; how they view Jesus.
Ravi Zacharias Explains Why the Quran is not God's Word
He explains how they are forced to belief on pain of death; how they view Jesus.
Ravi spoke about the Holy Spirit's influence at the end of this video. Good stuff. Thanks.
We can expect the wisdom of the Lord to speak through us to speak to their hearts influenced by the Holy Spirit. He will give them what "they need" to show His love and grace towards them. Jesus loves Muslims and He will do whatever it takes to reveal Himself to them.