please don't diss a man who is/was willing to bare arms and die for their country in order to bring peace in time of war.
Would you do it?
Rather than diss them, thank them.
Its because of the brave boys willing to give up thier lives that we have the freedom to do what we are doing now.
That is the freedom to do things like posting on this forum, and not be controlled by states like North Korea.
I myself salute all You brave men who were/are willing to die for a good cause.
Would you do it?
Rather than diss them, thank them.
Its because of the brave boys willing to give up thier lives that we have the freedom to do what we are doing now.
That is the freedom to do things like posting on this forum, and not be controlled by states like North Korea.
I myself salute all You brave men who were/are willing to die for a good cause.