Can we undo, what has been done?
Can we as Christians stop this spiral into darkness?
Do we have the love to do it?
Jesus Help us.
Can we change the world?
My friend, I'm sorry that you have to live in this world, polluted from the greed of men and money.
We could have made it better for you, many tried and did great things, but the powers of hate and fear and lies are powerful, and loud.
There is confusion, murder and injustice, and fear.
There were many who said love was the way, but others, brutes and bullies, hated the ways of love.
Money is there god. Power. Fame. Seeking to be praised by men and women. selfish. ego.
That is the greatest power of all, the gospel of the love of Jesus.
It is more powerful than the greatest weapon of men, it has the power to save the soul.
The saving love of Jesus can change the hearts and minds of men.
We cannot change the world, but the power of the gospel can.
My friend, for a little while, there was a peace.
It still can be found, there is still hope.
But the light must shine, love must show the way.
There is no other path for us.
If we had power, what would be the most loving things, that we could do?
For Mexico? Canada? ..........Syria.......China........South Sudan?.....the world?
Show them the way, the truth, and the life.