I can't really go along with that. Honor killings, oppression of women.... that is all a very solid and deeply ingrained part of their religion...................... and that is not even mentioning all the stuff where their religion says they have to rule us.
No, that religion cannot be allowed to coexist with ours, because they just will not accept "live and let live." Especially not once they gain the predominance in this country, and we will then be unable to stop their greed for dominance and controlling power.
What surprises me is why muslims carry on believing Mo was anything than a nutcase.
The record his wife wanted to know from Mo is an angel was present. So she took off
her veil and asked did it leave. This was the spiritual test was the angel good or evil.
So they accept an invisible being spoke to Mo, put him into fits, in which only he got
the right revelation, and this angel was Gabriel yet no one else ever saw it, and he
showed all the signs of being crazy. After going to Medina and having 10 years of
peace in Mecca, he corrupted himself. He got involved with Aisha, aged 6, and started
sexual activity with her. He then started down the 12 wives root, and lots of twists
and turns to justify his greater self indulgent behaviour and killing anyone who disagreed
with him.
He was quite a nice guy up to this point, and then it went to pot. All the contradictions and
abberations come from this schizophrenic shift, justified as the later writing over turning the
earlier ones, but no real explanation as to why, just they were better. A more plausable reason
is Mo needed to become violent and predatory, but could not withdraw Allahs word, so just say
the later enhances the former. His biggest trick was the psychotic murder who you want for
blasphemy or apostacy, no questions asked. Funny how people started agreeing with him.
Better still if you die doing this you go straight to paradise, no matter how evil you are.
This recruitment of the slime and dross of any society into being the murderers and
enforcers of the faith, is exactly what we are facing today. And the justification for
such terrible behaviour can be upsetting a nutcase by a joke, or a wrong word, or
anything they can twist into an insult. You can imagine the impact this has on most
timid ordinary folk, why pay such a price for nothing, just conform for the sake of
an easy life. So in a society is slowly intimidates by flattery and violence locking
in gains and denying justice or a voice to any opposition. You can see the effect
on the press, on people in the street, everywhere, people walk in fear of these nutters.