I strongly believe that the antichrist will arise out of Islam. Islam’s long awaited Mahdi, is said to appear in the last days. He will rule for either 5, 7, 9, or 19 years. It is said that he will be the redeemer of Islam and get rid of the evil in the world. According to Islamic tradition, the Mahdi’s arrival will coincide with the second coming of Jesus (their Islamic Jesus that is).
This Islamic Jesus will help the Mahdi to fight against the Masih ad-Dajjal (or false messiah). This Dajjal is the antichrist to them. They believe that this Jesus will “follow” the Mahdi in prayer. They also believe that this Islamic Jesus will then “break the cross, kill the pig, and abolish Jizya”.
For those that don’t know what this means, I’ll try and quickly explain. Throughout Islamic literature, be it the Quran or various Hadith sources, you will find Jews being referred to as apes and pigs. People of the cross would be referring to Christians obviously. So what then does it mean that when Jesus returns he would destroy those things?
Well, to get a better understanding of what is meant, we must first understand what Jizya is. According to the Quran, as a Muslim you are to kill the infidels wherever you find them…unless they are Jews or Christians (aka people of the book). If you are lucky enough to be a Jew or Christian then you have the option of paying the Jizya tax (tribute money) to Muslims in acknowledgement of your inferiority.
This Jizya tax is basically a “right” that Jews and Christians are entitled to, rather than simply being executed like the rest of the infidel. If you are a Christian who doesn’t pay the Jizya tax imposed by Muslims, then the only options for you are conversion or death. Now let’s go back and hear what Islam says Jesus will do once more after he returns. “Break the cross, kill the pig, and ABOLISH Jizya” With the absence of the right to Jizya in effect, it would mean that the “convert or die” options are all that one would have under this Islamic Jesus and Mahdi rule.
I also believe that if Islam was ever in a position of global power, they just might have the capacity to cause all, both small and great, rich or poor, to receive a mark…perhaps some kind of pledge to Islam…maybe the shahada or something similar. Maybe those who refuse to take this mark will simply be beheaded….who knows.
I personally feel that more Christians need to be made aware of the dangers of Islam and of its followers. It is NOT a religion of peace, rather, it is a religion of conquest and submission through violence. The similar (yet strikingly oppositional to the Bible) end time events found in the Quran are shocking to say the least. I really hope people wake up.