The term
antichrist is unfortunate because there are two beasts (Re 13). One should be an Assyrian but why does this matter? We don't be here.
If you are here
then good luck figuring it out; but, you'll have greater troubles than that.
Justin Trudeau Is The Antichrist?

Justin Trudeau Is The Antichrist?
The first beast is said to be given power by the dragon (Satan) to make war against the saints and be able to conquer them. Everyone on earth will be forced to worship this beast (Islamic faith and empire). In verse 5 of Revelation 13 you can see how this beast was given a mouth to speak on behalf of the beast, as well as authority to act on behalf of the beast. This could likely be a person put in charge of this religious empire, or as they would call him in Islam…a Caliph.
The second beast (the beast from the earth) seems to be an individual who is working on behalf of the Islamic Empire (first beast). He is depicted as being the main person who will be influencing people to worship the image of the beast. He will even be given power to do great works like bringing fire down from heaven, deceiving many. He is who orders that all must take the mark of the beast. So to sum it up, I view the first beast as an empire and the second as an individual. Hope this helps