The reason why people do drugs,or smoke cigarettes,or drink alcohol,is because there is not a higher priority in their life to cause them to want to kick the habit,and it does not have that much of a pull on a person that they cannot deny it.
If a person is engaged in drinking,and smoking,as a habit,but decides they want to be in the best shape possible,and look as young as possible,and it is a great desire to them,quitting them habits is easy,and I mean easy,because their desire to be in the best shape possible,and look as young as possible,takes priority in their life to where those habits mean nothing.
The same with the doctor that says you better quit,or you do not have that much time left,to those who desire to stick around,and not perish,those habits are easy to quit,for that becomes a priority in their life that is above that of smoking,and drinking alcohol,and the mindset is determined to not do those things.
Or whatever is important to us that is a priority above our habits,we can quit those habits easily.
But a lot of people do not care about their health,and do not care if they do not look as good as possible,so they might struggle with habits,which is a strange thing to not care about your health,which eating good,exercising,especially weight training,is preventive maintenance,which should be as routine as cleaning ourselves.
People that are married might not care about how their health,and to look good,seeing they are only pleasing each other,and neither one cares what the other one looks like,for they both let themselves go,or were out of shape,and had habits to start.
I am afraid to get married,for I do not trust the person to take care of themselves down the road,and do not trust their personality will always be pleasant as when we first got married,for a lot of people do not care,and it is a risk I will not take in today's world,for even though marriage is supposed to be a team effort,sometimes they still think on an individual basis being selfish,controlling,and bossy,and then get 150 pounds overweight,smoking like a chimney,and drinking like a fish,and then say,you should accept me for who I am,which is not vaild because you are supposed to look as good as possible for your mate.
If people who claim Christ will not act like Him,how can we trust our spouse to do the right thing.
But back to having a priority higher than that of habits,and this one I do not understand,for God is against us abusing our bodies,for God did not create our bodies to be dogged out with our bad habits,and should not that be a priority higher than our habits.
They claim Christ,and say,I know it is bad,but do not quit,and the priority of Christ does not supercede the habits,which is strange.
If people have a priority higher than their habits it is easy to quit those habits,and why is not the priority of Christ greater than their habits.