Not sure how it is in the USA, but it would never happen in the UK.
If social services arrange the adoption, they ensure children are placed with
someone of their own background and culture. If mixed race, they will not place
a child/teen for adoption unless they are certain the parents will actively go out of
their way to teach the child about both cultures and their origins. This hasn't
always been the case though.
I think its a good idea personally to teach about both cultures, but christians should
also be up front and say they will actively teach the child about Christianity. If this
hinders the adoption then so be it.
I'm mixed race my mum was British and white, my father is unknown but he
gave me a nice sun tan. I was brought up in foster care by my white British
aunt. I was brought up the UK way. But growing up I didn't feel that I fitted
in anywhere. I felt white but I wasn't and was rejected by white friends and
neighbour's. But I also knew nothing of any other culture, it wasn't really until I
was about 13 that I started to feel more comfortable in my own skin.
Thats is a lot of years not knowing who you are. I woud, add that I went to
church from age 8-9 and it was the Christians who discriminated the most!
I was known as that little brown kid. Not just a kid but that little brown kid.
I was the only non white person in my church. I often was left out of things
because I wasn't white. However when it came to the nativity play, I always
got the part of Mary, they felt it added authenticity to have a brown Mary!
I would add as well that there is a big difference between culture and religion.
Christianity is not unique to the west. You can live in India among Indian culture and be
a Christian. You can live in China among Chinese culture and still be a Christian etc.
Dont get the two confused if you are considering adoption, it's important that each
child knows about their culture and their origins, otherwise they feel a big part of
them is missing. It's like a child who is brought up by mum but wonders all their life
about dad etc.