What i am saying Peterjens is that you have a hard time understanding what others believe and often falsely represent what they believe based upon your own misunderstandings.
Ariel, have you ever thought it is your misunderstanding that might be involved, or are you above
such things?
It is like saying 1+1 = 2 to say, all sin is forgiven and no matter what you do, the Lord will still
call you home.
I have said, which the holders of this position have never answered, if you fall into unbelief about
Christ, you will not be forgiven, so therefore were never saved in the first place.
If this is possible there is no such thing as true security in Christ.
It is why when I came to faith when I was a teenager, I did not have any ideas about security,
or loosing salvation because for me that is an absurd idea. If you know God you do not think, what
happens if this all goes wrong? You are just wrapped up in the implications of knowing the creator.
Now if later on, I come to a realisation I can lose this relationship, it has not invalidated the spiritual
experiences I have had. It does not unbaptise me, or suddenly the Holy Spirit leaves, or I am in evil
or sin beyond redemption. So therefore it is rediculous to say security has any bearing on salvation,
security is a spiritual reality when you know the cross and Jesus's love expressed through it.
Unfortunately I come to the opposite conclusion, that those who need such automatic acceptance,
have not truly felt the total acceptance through the cross deep in their souls, or communion while
praising the King of Kings, or knowing the Holy Spirit pouring in His power and authority on ones life.
And worse still when these self driven judgmental believers start kicking off with believers, they are
like impetious children who feel their immediate experience justifies seeing everything in life through
their view and unless you agree with them, you are lost.
Paul of all people would have preached on security if it mattered this way, but he is silent. What Paul
is not silent about is how to love one another, how to share deeply from the heart and encourage one
another in the Holy Spirit and in Praise. So that is my appeal to you guys to stop this mission of
condemnation and embrace the love of the cross and encourage people to walk in purity, love and
faithfulness, doing good works to the glory of His name, Amen.