Ariel the fear of the Lord is all about relationship....not every thing in the OT is about the law....this is another travesty grace theology marginalizes OT scripture to the point of irrelevance...
The Fear of the Lord is not leading us to Christ, it is about how to have relationship with him....
I think you are making assumption about what I believe about the law based on others beliefs...that happens when folks group each other into an "us" versus "them" mentality.
.the "us" doesn't agree on everything anymore than the "rhem"
For example, Willybob doesn't believe in imputed righteousness but that doesn't mean I assume you don't.
I believe God have the law to keep the world from becoming more evil than it already is. He gave His angels power to enforce His laws, kind of like spiritual police.
Satan job was to be the accuser or prosecutor. However, he rebelled against God and also wanted to be the judge. He and other angels go beyond what God created them to do.
That is why when we sin, we feel condemned.
There is a difference between conviction which is from God and condemnation.
For example:
Condemnation says you are a failure and will never change.
Conviction says you are a sinner, but God can cleanse you and show you a better way.
One causes despair.the other gives hope and strength to overcome....both uses the Law to help us discern right and wrong.
The Law when used rightly is good. However even Satan tried to tempt Jesus by twisting scriptures. So we have to be ready and prayerful and careful with our words, because if Satan can twist God's own words and deceive folks.., what do you think he does with ours?
You stress relationship with God and I believe that is awesome and true. I believe that is learning self control into godliness and takes perseverance, virtue and faith.
I would stress relationships with our brethren (brotherly kindness) and those who view us as enemies (agape love) as the next steps towards our spirtual journey towards maturity in Christ.
Why do people think it is a bad thing to be called immature?
At first I wanted to be offended, but God says why be offended by the truth? Are we as "perfect" and "mature" as Jesus is? Are we 100% at one with God and His will always? Can't we all still learn from God and one another?
How do we define spiritual maturity?
I say it when we know our place in the Body of Christ (using our spiritual gifts to do good works) and show the fruit of walking with the Holy spirit, rooted in Christ and able to discern good from evil.