to think that JESUS condons homosexuality..has caused......years of pain...for some...
and...if you think I'm gonna white wash around the BASIC DOCTRINE...
you need to go talk to OBAMA...
I"M not running for anything..
wouldn't walk backwards for some of those hypocritcal..."postions"
tired of puppets....who have no ....(.can I say this on a christian site.....??)
to tell it like it is..
whas with all the government "SECRETES"
!!!!!! they work for the "PEOPLE" !!!!!
I think its time..for some "TRANSPARENCY"
like PROMISED...
(rolls eyes up )...
and sighs
WOW... when I read your posts I cannot (for some reason) imagine the person speaking through you is the exact same person who had dinner with sinners and tax collectors, or the one who forgave a woman caught in adultery or even the one who healed the daughter of a pagan.
Here's a question, if you're so quick to point the finger at blueteardrop and say she is not right with God because of her homosexuality do you keep the laws of YHWH 100% all the time making you untouchable to judgement?
Let me make it easy for you to understand...
Do you celebrate His birth on the 25th of December by erecting a tree and adorning it with silver and gold? if so, then why do you join the world in the celebration of the resurrection of the Babylonian god Nimrod in which the Israelites were warned NOT to do?
Do you mourn Christ's death and resurrection at Easter with the rest of the world? That is to say on the first full moon following the spring equinox? And do you celebrate it with easter eggs? If so then why do you join the ancient pagans in celebrating the powers of ‘Isis’ (or Ishtar, goddess of heaven- among many other names) and the rabbit (who ancient celts believed they saw in the full moon) which is a symbol, or mascot, for fertility and the eggs resembling re-birth of their god.
Or do you follow the biblical account of the death and resurrection of the Christ and celebrate it alongside the Jewish Passover?
If you answered no to the first 2 questions then congratulations, but now you have to ask yourself if you spread the word regarding whoring celebrations among today's churches like you point the finger blueteardrop for not being perfect? If not then be careful because you have passion in judging but not in spreading truth. By the exact same way you judge blueteardrop, you too till be judged (Matthew 7:1) because you are too busy trying to remove the speck of sawdust from your brother's (or in this case- sister's) eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye! (Matthew 7:3)
Best practice love towards other's, and allow YHWH to shine through your words and maybe then blueteardrop will actually take heed to advice given on here and not feel rejected and pushed into a world that she doesn't belong to as she is now part of our family.
Blueteardrop, all I can say to you is that you are loved. By true Christians that understand that noone is perfect and especially by the Father who sent His only son to die for you. But be careful, the bible strictly states actions that will separate us from the Kingdom of Heaven and homosexual
offenders is one of them. If you believe you will forever be gay because that is the way you were born then you have placed your faith not in the Father but on your physical capabilities.
I strongly recommend you research the works by Ps. Sy Rogers. He is a pastor who was gay but found Christ and is now a happily married man with children and in full force leading the way for Christ. It wasn't an instantaneous change in a blink of an eye, instead, it was a long process that had him handing over to YHWH his weaknesses in the flesh and allowing Christ to change him. It's up to you, seek YHWH and you shall find Him. It's His promise to you and He can't break His promises. I love you, and many others here do also. Don't be swayed by the attacks of certain people because they cannot be speaking from the spirit because their words do not resemble the fruits of the spirt (Galatians 5:22).
Much love