Oh and also, you need to look up the word ETERNAL. It means never ending, always lasting, forever and ever. It means infinite or unlimited time.Without end. You say "eternal salvation, which means you can commit enough sin to lose your salvation". My dear friend, God's word says ETERNAL and what you describe is one not being saved at all. The word of God tells us that once we accpet Christ, He NEVER lets us go no matter what me way do. Sure we can get away from God or ''backslide'' for a while, however He never goes anywhere, He doesn't leave us, Jesus' blood doesn't wash away. Speaking of which, there's a song called "The Blood Is Still There" not sure if you've ever heard it anyways, it talks about a little bo asking his father to look and see if the blood(Jesus blood) is still there, and the father tells his son "now son don't you worry,for the blood is there to stay, though the wind may blow, and the rain may fall, it won't just wash away, the blood will stand the raging storm, when applied with love and care, safe, secure, you can rest assure that the blood is still there". Also there's a song called Blessed Assurance, it says "blessed assurance, Jesus is mine, oh what a fore taste of glory devine. Heir of salvation, purchase of God, born of his Spirit, washed in His blood." If you don't know those songs, I suggest you find them, they're so awesome! Anyways, God bless everyone!