I aint never seen donkey talk, therefore it can't happen, let me spiritualize it. The donkey refers to the tribe of Issachar which is the prophecy wing of the church, and it speaks on what the church should do like it says in the bible Issachar knew the times and what Israel ought to do.
You're welcome amills, I just spiritualized it for ya.
All jokes aside, I'm afraid of this type of spiritualizing when its not needed, the reason being is that as I showed above, you can come up with all types of interpretations that seem to make sense, but are actually non-sense and twisting them Scriptures.
Ima tell yall a Bible reading guide, here is the 101 course:
1. THUS SAITH THE LORD! - The Lord means what He says and says what He means.
2. Cross reference Scripture.
3. Know who is spoken to, and who is talking.
4. Know when things are spoken. This is where a lot of folks get tripped up, they take doctrine from the Old Testament, written to the Israelites of that day, not to the church.
5. If the literal sense makes sense, don't seek other sense. If its a symbolic, its usually very plain from the context and often its even explained.
These tips will get you far. Don't fall for the trap of the enemy saying you can't understand this and that or that you needa be some spiritual guru to know the hidden meanings of each verse.