Smoke creating
Some cultures use smoke as a signal of news. Others use smoke to cause trouble, or
rouse the crowd to start a fight. In acts when Paul came, they stirred up a whole city
against them with accusations of trouble.
Now the normal way you do this, is to say such and such a person upset me and continually
behaves badly. You then go on at length, and yet more length how it would be soooooooo
much better if they were not here, because they are the cause of everything bad in this idyllic
The hope is two fold, you will find a real thing to complain about, you will get the gang to pick
on the targets and finish the job.
Now if there is a problem, and someone is breaking the rules, fair enough, but if it is just you
do not agree with or like something they are saying, this is causing trouble and attempted
bullying. And what bullies hate is people who say, stop it, express your points, be civil or go
somewhere else. You will just make yourself look as you are, a bully who cannot cope.
Bullies never win in the long run, they make too many enemies.