Some back pain is muscular, some is mechanical and muscular.
Best thing to do is rest for 24 hours and apply something cold or ice in a pack
to reduce any inflammation for short periods of time. If you try to push yourself
too early you will make it worse.
Then next day try walking around a little bit every hour to get your muscles working, otherwise
you will just stiffen up too much. Gradually add some light stretching exercises
and also try heat at this point and maybe alternate between heat and cold to see
what works the best.
If it's very mild muscular problem then it should be ok after 2-3 days.
If it's bad muscular spasms, you are looking at around a week to ten days.
If its mechanical as well, like a slipped disc, sciatica etc, it will soon become apparent
as the above and normal pain killers just won't work. If no improvement after a
week or it gets worse, then see a doctor.
I've experience all the above levels of back problems, once it gets to the mechanical
stage, it's just agonising.
One thing I discovered is my back was generally weak. Also one side was stranger
than the other. Which made me more prone to back problems and muscle spasms
when twisting and turning at certain angles.
So ive been doing some exercise to improve my posture and strengthen both
sides of my back. Making sure I strengthen both sides together.
It really has made a massive difference, Im also more aware of my posture now and
the effects of slouching too much.
Use this as warning that you have a problem and do something about it now to
correct it, and strengthen your back when you feel fit enough. But don't over do it
build up gradually.
otherwise you could pull your back again and it will get weaker and
Hope you are feeling better soon.