I understand that. I didn't share anything private. My Instagram is already open to everyone
Or someone already on this site has a profile like that.
If God truly has called you to ministry then shouldn't that be your focus? And preparing for it? Paul talks about how marriage is a distraction from serving God and discourages it. And yet, here you are, years away from even being able to get married, and searching the internet.
Your inability to see the dangers in this behavior, and being so public with it, not to mention dismissing those who warn you, shows what is to be expected at your age. A lack of maturity and wisdom. We were all that way when we were younger, so it's not an attack.
There are various reasons that seeking 'Mr Right' at your age is bad, announcing it publicly online makes it worse. There are potential physical, emotional and spiritual damages you're not seeing, nor willing to hear others warn you about.
Part of biblical wisdom is knowing when to listen to counsel from others.