I am absolutley positive that neither of you are....He calls the imputed righteousness of Christ a neat little trick that does not work......
You jive that heretical statement with...
David described the blessedness of the man to who God imputes righteousness without works.
Nay, you are defending one who states things that directly contradicts the bible.....!
Amen to David.
The problem is you look at imputed righteousness as covering over present sin, so God does not
see it.
Now this doctrine was so blatent we had a thread going on how you could sin, and even while
sinning God forgave you.
Now the reason this shocked me, is because even unbelievers know this is theology of
psychopaths. They care nothing as they murder people, they justify it by saying the person
upset them, so they are now dead.
How is it the theology of psychopaths came to be the theology of Jesus.
Oh I know it stops people from being guilty about their sin, and can now hang out with God no
matter where they are. God is so open, the broad way is His way?????
Sorry lets get back to scripture and Jesus.
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Matt 7:13-14
The broad gate is so wide because it is lawless and has no constraints.
And the joke really is, ofcourse you will not accept Jesus covering your sin as you commit
it is heresy and a false teaching, because this is your faith.
I do not expect you to agree with me, all I am pointing out nothing in scripture implies this
is true. What you can argue, is God is graceful over sin, and calls people to account over
a period and not instantly, because it is often involved with many issues, and resolution is
not simple.
And the shocking thing is in Christian theology these bombs have been there for centuries,
though most believers were not aware and it did not affect their walk in Christ.
When you walk in love you simply do not want to sin, and get right with God if you do
succumb. What is shocking is how condemning these open sinners are of people walking
Holy righteous lives. The concept of wraiths is probably appropriate, those with the appearance
of spirituality but aimed to bring down Gods elect.