This just goes to show they are still trying to pay for it themselves. A fact they deny.
The above logic is an obvious distortion.
It is like saying someone gives you a fantastic gift of a well that gives you fresh water.
Now making sure it does not get destroyed, polluted, blocked and continues to work is part
of looking after the gift. The gift is still real and held. Looking after something is good
stewardship not earning something.
This is a simple illustration. We are call stewards.
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10
A steward is a keeper of the gift.
Yet for some reason, this believer is claiming by being a good steward one in trying to pay
for the gift. Is being a bad steward in this morality, then showing you truly do not deserve
such a gift and walking in Gods will?
You realise this is the morality they are pushing, by denying simple principles of the Kingdom
and creating this heretical version.
You know heresy is embedded in their approach because of the antagonism over simple biblical
principles, built on the false premise to obey God is earning salvation, to repent and confess sin
is disbelief that the cross and Christs death is enough.
These logical ideas seem to make sense initially until you see where it ends up, ie its fruit is
heresy and emnity with Gods people, and end in the condemning abusive attitudes.
It is the same as a praise meeting singing wonderful praise to God, but ending with a preacher
bringing Gods name into disrepute. It is the words given that are the problem, not the surrounding.
So people can have all the right sounding background and words but the specific details be a
corruption of the truth. Key to it all is the sermon on the mount and building upon the rock.
Put Jesus's words into action, because in them is life.