Dan, I was and always have been a studen of linguistics. First in High School, then at the U of I Champaign-Urbana, and since in my daily way and travels. I know the nature of words, the importance of etymologies, and the rampant misconstruing of so many of so much. Theos never referred to Yahweh previous to the Greeks learning of Him. It was no different than saying god. God, in itself has no relationship whatsoever with Yahweh , Elohanu, or Adoneinu, but most take it to mean the Maker fo all that is.
This does not mean the definition of god is The Self-Existing; it just means people have come to accept it as meaning such. It is a pre-Sanskrit word with no relationship to the Maker, Fathe4r of Yeshua, The Self-Existing.
This does not translate as a ondemanation of people who call the Father God in all reference of Yehua Jesus in all reverence, but these same folks who use these names in ignorance often have a tendencyi to attack others who actually know the names.
I use God, Jesus etc, but I know Who they are when I use these names. When others believe God is the Father, Yahweh, and Jesus is Yeshua, they are correct in their faith, but not linguistically. They do not need to be to be saved, but they should not argue meanings of words when they are not equipped to do so. Doing this shines bright light, but not from God, from their ignornace upon that ignorance.
I do not condemn anyone for not knowing what I know, I sure hope no one wants to condemn me for know ing what I do; that would be hyipocritical and arrogant.