And that's terrible why, lol?
We can't have avatars of dead people?
I know this is a hot button for you. You don't seem to know the scriptures very well in this area. Most Christians don't. They don't know the difference between simply recognizing what people do vs. why they do it.
"Most Christians don't"????
You realize that you are presuming alot about many people that you have never even met or spoken with in anywise,yet somehow you know that they don't know scripture well,that's a bit of a stretch and very much asking for trouble as well,only God knows about people in depth as well as their hearts,not us,Blue lady bug has a point it's not so easy to figure out people from just words,we are to observe if their works bear good fruit,not take a guess and have our presumption come hit us in the face later so to speak,and besides despite "how people act" we are to care for Everyone's souls and have compassion for them when they are in need,for one must always remember one's place,God didn't have to create anyone of us,he didn't have to have mercy on us when we were against him,he didn't have to make promises of salvation or otherwise to anyone.
He is God we are not,we should follow after his examples of mercy,compassion,and wisdom,not keep ourselves safe and leave the lost to continue wandering dark corridors of sin,it is no wonder that in God's word it is written,"Judge not lest ye be judged" because how many people in this world do just that,judging someone without cause,denying someone help when they are in need just because we may take it to our heads thinking"they're riff raff they don't deserve salvation or my help",who does deserve salvation or God's mercy,whom deserved Jesus dieing for their sins so they would not die in sin?
Noone,we can get big egos due to religion and wealth,and forget whom gave us the possibility of such things becoming content and not seeking to help when God urges us to,"Judging is best for God to do,we can keep abominations far from us and have a place of worship but we are not to ignore each other,we are not to pass someone by who is in need and having the resources to help thinking"I help those who are like me,why should I bother helping someone who doesn't know God"!?
Well we gotta think again,did we always "know God"did he leave us to fend for ourselves when we had not?
Nay,We should indeed keep sin far from us by not seeking it but when one comes to us whom has sinful ways,we ought to be able to help them just as God would,and guide them when we can,not partake in their sinfulness but help them,"Despite their sinfulness".
You can know one by the fruits they bear not by the mere ways they look or act but rather what they bring forth,good or bad,of their works.