Not true. Our species is human, our race is our race. Race has been defined and has many many scientific differences between races. Further more its proven that biracial children suffer many ailments and weaker immunities and chemical systems than non mixed children. Studies also show a lower childhood happiness rate and dramatically lower adult success rate. And Filipino is a type of Asian.
I am sure many weak minds will twist what I am saying into "Everybody lets be racist." But it is simple fact to counter false teachings. Races do in fact exist, and mixing them does the same damage it does when you mix any breed of dog or any other animal. Their genetics slowly deteriorate over generation.
You are aware then, that Moses, a Jew, married a black (Cushite) woman?
Do you believe that unions like this, then, have led to some sort of genetic breakdown among the races? (I don't believe this at all, seeing as my entire family is mixed and some of their children are in the most advanced, gifted programs available), but I am interested in your opinions.
I really wonder how many people today are actually racially pure (after all, every human race originated from two human beings... and then eight people after The Flood.)
I have a close friend who was quite prejudice against Race X... and then he found out that something like 3 or 4 generations back, one of his blood relatives was a member of that race, meaning that he was biologically part of this race he harbored ill feelings towards as well.
It resulted in a rather interesting case of (racial) identity crisis.
To my knowledge Moses died a virgin. I could not find any biblical or historical accounts of Moses getting married. Also Moses was a mere human and a heathen, even a murderer at times. Whatever it is he did, I do not follow Moses. I also do not hate other races like your friend so the example is not relevant to me.
I just now noticed that you had added this last sentence to your post...
I wanted to clarify that I was in no way trying to imply that you hate other races, and apologize if it was taken that way.
The entire point I was trying to make is that in order for you to make your statement that races should not be mixed because they will produce inferior genetics, I am guessing that you might possibly believe your own self to be racially "pure" and of only one singular, isolated race?
The reason I brought up my friend is because he spent an entire lifetime believing and proclaiming that Race X was (fill in stereotypical characteristics here.)
And then he found out that something like his great-great-great-grandmother... Was a member of Race X, and since he is blood related to her, he is, in part at least, a member of Race X as well.
My entire point is that very few people today are "racially pure", and so, in accordance with your theory that races must be kept pure in order to produce the best genetics, would it even be possible to maintain "pure", "untainted" races in order to avoid the supposed inferior characteristics that you spoke of?
You also stated that mixed children suffer more ailments, are unhappier and less successful, etc.
While it's possible that genetics could play a part, I think the fact that many biracial children face vast amounts of prejudice and social oppositions unique to their situation must also be mentioned. It is not, in any way, an excuse, but is definitely a component that can have just as much, if not more, of an effect on a person than genetics.