BUT double-edged sword here. I really wish you could get a job and work, but I don't see that happening for the same reason I can't do it. Both of us could work, if we could find a boss who doesn't mind if we can't come in half the time or more, but most bosses prefer paying workers for working, not for not working, so they tend to fire people when they can't work the hours consistently. You couldn't, (and trust me, I really do understand you couldn't, so I'm not blaming you here) go to the second day of training. How are you planning on keeping a job when you can't work the days they want you to work? It doesn't matter if you get a full-time job or part-time job, unless the boss doesn't care which hours you work. I don't know that boss that doesn't care.
Add to that, part-time work? Most jobs that have part-time hours pay minimum wage or a few coins more than that per hour. That would be enough for a room in a boarding house, but not enough for an apartment. And, without an apartment, Children's Services won't let your daughter live with you. They tend to demand she have her own room.
I know what you want, but is it doable? I can see you doing all right if friend or family took you and your daughter in and assume that means forever, and you'll contribute to household expenses as you can afford to. Or even if you were the one to take care of the household chores. But practically speaking, I don't see how you're getting out of there with what you want.
Has your social worker come up with something that is doable? I really don't want you to stay there either, but practically speaking, I don't see you getting out.
And, yeah, really, it does have something to do with the dogs. $300 for a vet bill? We don't have pets because we can't afford that. You live on less.
I don't know what you bought for Christmas, but it seems like every time you have money, you spend it.
You've been living like this for how many years now? Had you saved $60 a month into an account, you could have your own place now. I really think you're sabotaging your own plans. For some strange reason, part of you wants to stay. Until you can kick that mindset out, you will always be in danger of being killed by him.
You're worth more than that. I just wish you'd believe that.