God called you and you came. What was the thing that brought you to him? Guilt? Real guilt? Sinful guilt? And you needed to be forgiven for that real guilt, right? First thing we do when we come to the Lord is to ask to be forgiven of our sins! (Repent.) And you knew you sinned, right?
And what did God do for you when you asked? He forgave you, right? So why are you back to feeling guilty about the sins you already committed? Not like any of us came clean to him. We were all unclean and he made us clean. Done deal! He did it! He made us clean.
So don't go back to sin he already cleaned you of. Yes, you probably did sin in those before-born-again years. Yes, you probably did commit adultery. Unless the only guy you ever made love to was your husband, you did commit adultery. Guess what. You're not alone! But that was forgiven. The guilt has been removed from you by the only one who could remove it. So, stop feeling guilty over old-self. You ain't her anymore.
You are a new creation!
And, yeah, that gets complicated, because who we were is so mixed up into who we are that we'll end up slipping back into old-self more than once, but the goal is the Lord, the ability is him too.
You want God to be content with you? Well, truth be known he sees you as perfect, because he sees Jesus in you. Jesus covers up the imperfect, so God is content in you. And He is also working to make you better and better, so it does fit who you want to be too. We're literally his children! And he's raising us up right because he loves us.
But you're a brand-new kid. A newborn at 28 years old. You're still a babe in Christ. That's fine. His lesson plans are quick then. And you're doing okay, assuming you're reading the word, (which is safe to assume since you already caught onto "divorce is bad," which it is, but you divorced him with cause long ago, so that is justifiable to God even now, you just never got the paperwork done), you keep getting the basics quick enough. Just don't rush into another marriage, without at least giving the Lord time to ground you in him.
Now I get you love this new guy too. But seriously, if he doesn't love the Lord, it will be disastrous too. Going to church isn't loving God. Going to church is him loving you enough to go along with you.
I don't know how this current relationship will work out. I do know you're selling yourself short if the only thing he has going for him is he's not interested in sex. More importantly, if he doesn't love the Lord, he won't be your mantle. Your shield. Your safety net when all goes wrong. Unless he knows God and gets his strength from God, he's not strong enough for you. You'd be the one pulling the cart and dragging him along too. We're not that strong.
Who knows? Maybe the Lord will bring him to the Lord too. But, unless that happens, he's not the one.
I can tell you this much. My SIL decided to drop my BIL instead of marry him, because she could not marry a nonbeliever. Little did she know, BIL was a backsliding believer. The thought of losing her brought him to his knees and back to the Lord. And that is why she IS my SIL. It does happen.
Not usually, but it does happen. Meanwhile, don't shack up with him. He's not your husband.