I know you have received A LOT of responses to your post and may feel overwhelmed by that so I will trust that if the Holy Spirit wishes you to see my response then you will. First of all I am sorry you are going through this. I know what it's like to be married to a serial cheater...in fact, that's the exact phrase I used to describe mine, too. Everyday you live with paranoia, suspicion, regret, hope, disappointment, anger, sadness, hope, depression...just about every emotion under the sun apart from losing a loved one to death. My husband serial cheated on me for all 15 years of our marriage and made promise after promise that he would change...he never did. As a Christian I struggled with divorcing him (hence the 15 years), but one day I prayed and asked God to show me one more thing about my husband that would tell me, without a shadow of a doubt, that he was not going to change and God did not expect me to stay in misery with someone who would cause me hurt and pain the rest of my life. Well, He answered my prayer...my husband did one more thing that I absolutely could not ignore (it involved our children) and so I began the journey of divorce. My now ex-husband remains unrepentant for his adulterous sins. We are amicable with each other and I have forgiven him, but he has never repented. He will answer to God. I no longer live in that constant paranoia and suspicion and absolute heartache when the cheating is confirmed. I am free from that life. I am not advocating divorce for you. I would, however, recommend a trial separation and encourage your husband to get the help he needs and you get help, as well. Time will tell if he has a real heart change and that will be between he and God. For now, allow the Lord to begin healing your heart and let Him take care of your husband on His own. If your husband does not show any change then you will have your answer and can proceed forward with the divorce. We hope and pray it will not lead to that, but we also know we live in a fallen world and people make their own choices. I hope this helps answer some of your questions and concerns. And again, I am so very sorry you are going through this...it is an epidemic from the beginning of time and unfortunately will not change until Christ comes again. But, God can heal a repentant heart...let's hope your husband responds. Love and BIG HUGS to you!!!