Tell me how would it benefit me or you to cut off our right hand? How would that save us from hell?
Secondly, who is seated at the RIGHT HAND of the father?
Who is the RIGHT HAND of salvation?
Who died to save the body from hell?
Yes I think all spiritual things are real. The spiritual right hand is Jesus Christ and he is real.... all spiritual things are real.
So, you think Jesus lied to you about it?
Do you think that a man will pick up his cross daily if he isn’t willing to cut off his offensive to God body parts?
You are rationalizing. It’s like a wanting a diet that doesn’t really make you suffer.
What you need to understand is that spiritual is real as Jesus Christ sitting on the right hand of God.
What if Jesus thought like you?
Would you have by passed the cup and simply imagined you were willing to bear the filthy sin of others and expected not to really be nailed to the cross, suffered shame, and death, and burial.
Peter thought going to the actual cross wasn’t really God’s plan for Jesus Christ.
Jesus said, Get behind me Satan.
Jesus is for real. He means what he says.
Aren’t you rationalizing away the truth about offering your body as a living sacrifice unto God, into some notion of not requiring actual sacrifice and death.
I guess when persecution comes and the mark of the beast is a way out some of you will take it with a grain of salt?