Did you?
15 Am I not permitted to do what I want with what belongs to me?
Or are you envious because I am generous?
He said He could do what ever he wanted with his money.

hum?! yea ! I did read it, that is why I'm posting it ... lol
so did something prick you in my challenge to look at the EQUAL PAY FOR ALL
that socialism has ? NOT that I want Man's socialism way, for it is NOT God's Way.
Isaiah 55:8,9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your
ways my
ways,” declares the LORD.
“As the heavens are
higher than the earth, so are my
And so when I see a Christian want to fight for anything earthly,
then my heart grieves, for we are not to love something of this world so much,
we would disagree with another over it. Unless they use the Truth of God.
And so that is what I did with Kaylagrl when she ditched socialism !
I never ever said I wanted socialism that has unfair leaders in this world.
Just wanted to challenge a believer, to rethink what she is thinking,
by showing that God's way has an EQUAL PAY pattern of socialism
Again God's way is WAY Higher and perfect then man's way.
But I hate it when I see a Believer in God and his word, stand and argue,
for their right and love, for the extremely wrong and awful unbalance scale,
of the Extremely privileged paid rich on one hand,
and the rest of society who doesn't have the same privileges,
so go with little or nothing, and feel resentful, envy and forgotten.
No pride in making anything like this great again,
because it was never great for ALL in the beginning.
and finally just as the illusion of the great prosperity dream is,
so is the illusion of this parable = when something seems so off for man to understand.
Its because they are so sold out on the unbalanced scales of
rich pay, poor pay for the fair amount of work they do
they can't see that this parable is really talking about
the hard work in this harvest field to save souls from death
and so it doesn't matter if we work one day in the harvest field and save one person,
or we have made a life of it, and saved hundreds from death, like Billy Graham did
Once we past on,
we will all be paid equally with the same equal riches of Eternity
But for all those who think the prosperity preaching dream is correct;
like sadly, many churches teach here, so they can gain larger congregations,
who will go out and fight the corporate ladder, to get better jobs,
so larger tithes will come into their store house,
and then they can look like a larger growing successful church
who can afford their mansions here ???
well sadly this is the lukewarm church that is spoken off in Revelation 3
17 For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing,
not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.
This dream of the formula that allows (unbalanced scales) with the filthy rich of this world in one hand,
and causes the number of extreme poor of the land, to be put in the other scale.
well this is an abomination to the Lord
proverbs 20:10
Differing weights and differing measures, Both of them are abominable to the LORD
and so I only challenged a believer to really look again, really think again
what she is really standing for is an abomination towards her Lord.
And my heart ached for her blindness, so I only wanted to help her look again,
at the EQUAL Measure of socialism, for there is less of an abomination with it,
since Just scales, given an equal measure with a fair JUST leader, like our God
is what Heaven is ALL about.
this world's wealth is as Lucifer wanted wealth to be distributed
and none of us, should say anything here is great ! because it is all a stinking abomination to our True God