I was raised in the dutch reformed church and later baptized into Church of Christ as I have searching for the Truth since a teenager. The more I search the more lost I become. Anyone willing to talk about the differences in Christianity with me?
Welcome to CC and I trust you will find the truth. God wants you to have the knowledge of the truth and the Holy Spirit will guide you into ALL TRUTH. Believe it.
First of all it is very commendable that you desire the truth with your whole heart. It is unfortunate that you have been disappointed thus far, but don't let that get you down.
You started out with Dutch Reformed which is both good and bad. All the Reformed Churches made Sola Scriptura there motto and their goal, and were also conservative in their beliefs. But unfortunately they succumbed to the doctrines of men. Particularly Five Point Calvinism, which is not really biblical. God does not decree some for salvation and others for damnation, since that would contradict the Gospel.
Churches of Christ are also very conservative, but they falsely believe that baptism by immersion is necessary for salvation. It is however, necessary as a commandment of Christ to be obeyed immediately after conversion.
So what you should do is get serious about personal Bible study, asking the Lord to open your eyes to the truth, even while you use all the legitimate Bible study tools such as Strong's Concordance, etc.. You will find Bible Hub to be an excellent source to help you study. Also stick with the King James Bible, and do not resort to the modern bible versions. They will mislead you.
DO NOT resort to commentaries until you are solidly grounded in the truth personally. And if there is a mature Christian who is willing to help you study, and shuns man-made doctrines, seek his help. Just keep in mind that this is HARD WORK, just like a miner mining for gold or precious stones.