There is no difference between Jew or Gentile,bond or free,or male or female,in the Lord.
A male and female are equal in the kingdom of God,and only one man to lead the Church service,and the husband is to lead the family in the ways of God,and not his own agenda,unlike the world where the man wants to control,and boss,in the wrong manner.
Jesus is the greatest of all but became a servant to all both male and female,so why would people think that a man is so great that the woman has to submit to him that claim Christianity,and go to Church.
If a man and a woman that go to Church together and they meet at the store he has no authority over her,and if they see each other at Church he has no authority over her.
All men do not have the authority over all women,but in the Church the man takes the lead where both male and female shut up and let him speak,and then he turns the service over to the saints,and they can all add to it both male and female.
In the home the man leads in the ways of God,as Christ leads us in the ways of God,not the man is greater.
The women submitting to the husband would be for non argument sake,so there is not fighting over control,but she has to listen to God first,and if he is not doing right by the will of God she is a saint that can tell him to act in accordance to God's ways,but not let it get out of hand but let off he if gets all huffy and puffy and tries to blow the house down.