You have no idea what you are talking about. The Constitution is about protecting our rights and limiting government. Your idea is about government stealing people's money under the guise of ending poverty yet poverty has only multiplied.
You know, if people would only stop assuming they know what a person is all about... because 99.999% of the time THEY ARE WRONG.
For example, you think that just because I said one word against the right that I must be a left wing nut job. Yet if you took the time to read AND CONSIDER what you have read you would understand that I'm no more a fan of the left wing nut jobs than I am the right wing nut jobs.
But checking the facts and considering arguments just goes against people's preconceived notions. Which is really the thing that will ultimately cause us to be the end-times non-players that we are.
The constitution declares ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. Yet show me a conservative Christian who thinks they truly are.
Likewise, the Bible says if you can work but don't work you shouldn't eat. Show me a liberal Christian who will support that.
BOTH sides are complicit in our decline. And we will continue to decline until people drop their preconceived ideas, open their eyes, and understand that.