Seriously… ?? You pervert God’s word to support your theory against women?
You post this excerpt from a commentary by “well known Matthew Henry” as if this supports your own understanding that it’s in reference to women??
This is a letter from Paul (a much more well-known guy ) telling Timothy to avoid
men who love themselves, are prideful , unthankful, unholy, covetous, they act like they are fierce and intimidating, but they care more about looking wise than they care about what God wants.
These men seduce and deceive
weak, foolish women who follow after them because those women are easily won over by these kinds of men who have a “
form of godliness” but in reality they deny God’s power. These men keep boasting how THEY understand the scriptures, not giving God the credit, always quoting scripture, pretending they are becoming more and more wise, while in fact they never come to understand God’s truth.
Matthew Henry also wrote the statement below. Perhaps you might try meditating on treating women with love and tenderness as Henry says, instead of demeaning them with your quoting scriptures in error.
The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved.” [Matthew Henry]
Did you further know that God created women to naturally respond to a man’s kindness and love? And that women intuitively react and recoil from a man who is bitter and angry? Love draws a woman. Hate repels women. God made women that way. Men who love them know that.
If God designed women in that beautifully unique way, there is no need to try to control her. There is only one reason why a man would want to control a woman. Because he does not know how to love her.