Find me where in the Word it say thou shall not kiss, and i'll agree. Otherwise its not factual. And i want to see something about kissing, not it might lead you into sin. Well bad drivers tempt me to sin but it doesnt mean i shouldnt drive. So find something concrete, instead of your personal opinions.
2 Timothy 2:15 "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
First of all, God did not outline every single thing we are/are not allowed to do in the Bible, because -as I have stated before on ChristianChat- it would have required Him to make the Bible volumes long. Probably longer than the complete Britannica Encyclopedia. This is why it is important for Christians to study the word, and study the character of God so that they can surmise what is and is not good for us. No, God did not specifically tell us not to kiss outside of marriage, but if you read and study the word you will find that kissing outside of marriage is not something God would promote. It does not help to edify you, it does not help you abstain from lust, it can lead many people down the road of destruction.
1 Corinthians 6:12 Paul tells us “All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.”
You can do whatever you want, but it is not going to help you become a better Christian. Like I stated in my first post on here, "when people say it is unrealistic to expect them not to kiss until marriage, are they not admitting to a weakness of the flesh? And would they not want to correct that weakness instead of repeatedly indulging it?" If you are unable to abstain from kissing then you have been "brought under the power" of it.
"Show me in scripture where this exact command is found" is a cop-out, in my opinion. As I stated earlier, not everything is expressly outlined in God's word. It is our responsibility to study His word enough that we can glean from it a deeper understanding.