That's why you freeze the cherries.
Uhhh FRUIT DUH fruit is bae like if someone made me one of those watermelons with all the different fruits inside I'd marry her cx. ( You can totally send me one even if you don't like me......js) not only that but you can so much more of it without getting fat plus there's so many different kinds of fruit so yea fruit is forever my wife i like things that are sweet idk why i just do ok! And to top it all off fruit can be put on almost anything. BUT CHERRYS ARE OUT OF SEASON SO I CAN'T GET ANY AT THE STORE WHEN I WENT UP THERE I HAD TO GET SOMETHING ELSE BECAUSE SEASONS RUIN EVERYTHING I JUST WANTED SOME CHERRYS SO I COULD TIE THE STEMS WITH MY TONGUE BUT NOO THEY COULDN'T BE IN SEASON! ahem anyway chocolate isn't that dope and it's boring unless it has like carmel or something cuz carmel is just noice.