Danger is where the fun is!!! Hehehe
Surely I have my fence too, but I put it where it’s good enough for me to breathe, live and play.
I don’t want to put it where in, when that situation comes, I have to push it, cuz I can’t breathe, and instances I may not know it, it’s already the dead end.
Seemed to me that you are afraid that’s why you’re avoiding it, well… I am not.
I know myself and I have set standards also for myself, and let the people see it in me.
There were even times where in, I’m teasing the guy to do it, but, I got rejected.
The guy would say, I don’t believe you, and I won’t do it.
I’ll try it again the next time, and I got rejected again.
The guy would say, I won’t bite, I know you’re just playing on me and I’ll prove to you , I can wait….okay I give up…he passed for my trust.
Isn’t it nice to know that you don’t have to worry, because the guy that you have been with is someone who respected you, and you’ve made yourself clear to him who you really are, even you haven’t really talk about that matter?
I just see it this way… right now I can say that I can handle it and say no, it’s not really a big thing for me, if I’ll decide into something, I’ll stand on it, but still as a human I completely accept that I am totally weak, with whatever temptations the world is offering to us, and that’s where I let God do His work.
All I can have is a willingness not to do it anymore and letting God do the rest.
A lot of confession I know in the church that once, they’ve been addicted to liquors, cigarettes, and it’s so hard for them to stop it, even how much they tried, but when they learn to surrender it to God, He works!
I don’t need to do all the effort, I don’t need to struggle with all these things, all I need to do is let Him know of my sincerity, and let myself be amaze on how God works!
That’s learning to trust in Him…
Kissing isn’t really a big deal for me anymore, it would just be a big deal when you haven’t tried it, but after the first kiss, you’ll realize it’s nothing, it isn’t a big deal as you thought it was.We (girls) have this attitude where in, we want someone to be our first and last. It’s a sweet attitude though but good for you if you can stand on that.