Let's look at how many Biblical principals catholicism violates.. 1 They call a preist father, and the book of Matheew says that no ,man is to called father, 2 They pray to saints,, which is idol worship. 3 they go to a preist to intercede to God for them when Christ is our priest to intercede for us. 4. The preist tells you to say a few vain repetaive prayers that mean nothing and all is forgiven. 5 , They have graven images in the church.. threr may be more.. but these are the ones i can think of af hand
Lets not forget their sacrilegious unholy practice of the Eucharist, this is the worst teaching of all, Roma Catholic doctrine claims the priest is so powerful that he can, at his command, call Jesus Christ out of heaven to humble Himself, to become a piece of bread, to be handled by this all powerful man-god, the holy priest. Jesus Christ, King of Kings, who will judge every lost soul at the Great White Throne judgment is supposed let Himself be eaten by anyone the priest gives him to. This is Catholic doctrine .To deny it, is to be accused and damned as a heretic. (Dignity and Duties of the Priest, CH 1 part IV)
The Eucharist is the piece of bread that has been "changed" into Jesus Christ. The wafer is placed in the "tabernacle" on the Catholic alter and worshipped as God. (Modern Catholic Dictionary, by John A. Hardon, S.J., pg 530)
According to Roman Catholic doctrine, Jesus Christ can be physically found in every Catholic Church world-wide.
This contradicts Jesus words! Matthew 24:23-26.
"And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: (12) But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever , sat down on the right hand of God; (13) from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.
Jesus sacrifice for sin, almost 2000 years ago at Calvary, was perfect. There is nothing you or any church can do to improve on it.
In fact, the Bible, God's word, says that we are not to crucify the Son of God afresh and put Him to an open shame (Hebrews 6:4-6)
But through the mass, Satan thought up a way to show Jesus as a continually dying Saviour, or a Dead Christ.
Jesus said His sacrifice was finished, and God's word says it is never to be repeated. By participating in the mass, you are calling God a liar!
You probably should have kept your first inclination about The Catholic church being the Harlot.
So yes, The Catholic church is most defiantly EVIL!
Will you choose to believe God...or men?