Let's deal with this first...
Questioning you is not persecuting you. Challenging your understanding, reasoning, or logic is not persecuting you. Even calling you a heretic (I'm not, by the way), if the term fits, is not persecuting you. If you feel persecuted already, you need to grow a much thicker skin.
If I say, "My Dad taught me everything I know" does that mean he taught me absolutely every last little piece of information that I have ever learned, or is it simply an idiom? In the same way, when Jesus says, "All things are given to me by My Father", does that mean every aspect of His being as well? What about the parts of Him that are inherent to His divine nature? The Spirit of God is not a "thing" in the same sense that a rock or a piece of clothing, or even the Church, are "things".
This indicates a lack of understanding of Greek, and a derivative misunderstanding of the English. Neuter in Greek does not necessarily mean non-person; it means non-gendered. English doesn't have that concept for persons, and assumes that anything that is ungendered is a non-person and therefore a thing. It does not follow.
Capitalization doesn't exist in the original texts. It is a choice of the translators, and cannot help but reflect their theology. Don't take the presence or absence of it as significant by itself.
I would encourage you to spend some time studying the attributes of the Spirit in Scripture... exhaustively. Don't start with the assumption that the Spirit is a non-person; rather, do the study and see where it leads you. You may be surprised.
I'm glad you weren't thinking of reporting me. I have been kicked off another bible discussion forum.
I believe that Jesus was chosen (Luke 9:35).
This means that Jesus was chosen.
Trinitarians have to interpret this as symbolic.
I believe before In the Beginning, Jesus was chosen from the other sons of God.
God the Father knew that Jesus is the obedient son.
This upset Satan who then rebelled.
I don't take sides on whether Satan is a created angel or an uncreated son of God or a created son of God.
My opinion is sons of God are uncreated and angels are created but it doesn't matter for this discussion.
Satan rebelled because he thought that he would be chosen to be called firstborn.
What happened in the heaven is played out with Cain and Abel;
and is why God the Father always choses the last born son to be ancestors for Jesus.
(Shem, Abram, Isaac, Jacob.) Joseph's son Ephraim was given the right hand blessing over his older brother Manasseh by Jacob.
Jesus' titles and roles change but he remains the obedient son.
His nature of obedience to the Father is what makes Him the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13).
His office changes throughout Hebrews.
1 Corinthians 2, Paul compares the Spirit of God to the spirit of man.
"Who can know what a man thinks except for his spirit. The same for God.""We have the mind of Christ (which is the Spirit of God)."
So do you believe that Jesus on earth didn't know things that the Father knew unless the Father told Him?
Do you believe the spirit of a man is another person?
Why did Jesus spend so much time in prayer?
Pentecostal Oneness believers can't answer.
From my perspective, Trinitarians can't either.
Jesus had the authority to forgive sins on earth after the Father forgave the sins in heaven.
In John 20, Jesus tells Mary Magdelene that the Father is her Father and My Father and her God and My God.
I take this literally that the Father is Jesus' God.
The Father calls the Son "O God" in Psalms 45:6-7 requited in Hebrew 1:8-9.
My conclusion is if God can take mortal man and turn him into a son of God;
God can make a son of God into His equal.
Trinitarians are taught a system that is close to what the Bible teaches but the firstborn son doctrine is closer to God's truth.
My understanding can't be taught because of censorship or persecution or reporting heretics to the site monitors.
I'm sure you can find verses that make Jesus' office of God eternal.
I agree with John 1:1, In the beginning, Jesus was God and He was with God the Father.
Thanks for straightening me out on the neuter definite article for the Holy Spirit.
German and Spanish have the masculine , feminine and neuter that don't always match the noun but sometimes they do match.